London Fashion Week

Shooting the beautiful people. It was with a little trepidation that I ventured to Soho for London Fashion Week, 2016, the autumn/winter collection. Knowing the point of my trip was to get street style shots, I would have to actually engage with my subjects. Up until then I seldom asked for a portrait, surviving only on shooting candid street photography. This would definitely be outside of my comfort zone. Silly really, as the whole point of fashion, and fashionable people, is to be seen. To be seen, one must be shot/photographed and as often as possible. I wasn’t once refused a shot, obviously.

Overcoming this fear was easy. After all, I have my camera to hide behind. And to intimidate. One mustn't forget that this is not a uniform playing field, there are a whole range of fashionistas, bloggers, and models, from the well versed to the wannabe. And you can tell when you look through the viewfinder. Do they seize up, or do they work the camera. starring down the barrel of the lens and bouncing the ball back at me, challenging me to capture the pose.


I think I'll let you decide on who fell into which category. 

I cannot escape my street photographer tendencies. If I see it, I have to shoot it, a philosophy that has got me in a little trouble over the years. My instinct is to take the photograph. If I ask for permission, I am altering the scene. More importantly, am I really practising street photography? 

Consequently, I have been called a number of things for taking photos of people without asking, but my favourite bar none is by Mr Tonioli, "You cheeky boy, taking a photo of me with a cigarette!” 

Strictly wonderful.